
Incredibly easy python script to use on parties to let guests vote for the currently playing track. If the voting is negative, the current track will be skipped. Songs can be liked and a list of all liked songs can be accessed at any time.

How it works

It works by hooking into the WinRT MediaManager (the thing you see when changing volume for example) using the python package winsdk. Using the media session, it can retrieve song properties such as title, artist and also the thumbnail.

To easily identify users, upon first visit on / (index) a cookie with a uuid is issued. This uuid is used to identify matching database objects and to store liked songs.

Server side

It is recommended to create a virtual environment before installing the requirements!

To use the server execute the following:

  1. Clone the repository: ps git clone
  2. Install the requirements ps pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run the server ps python


The database is a simple SQLite database, which is made sure to be created when the first user fetches the index of the server.

For a database reset it is sufficient to remove the .db file inside, or the complete instance folder.


By default, users can connect to the server on port 8099. The layout is very simple:

client side website layout

Every user can vote once every x Seconds, so that the voting stays fair. By clicking on "Show my likes" the user is redirected to a page which displays all liked songs.


There is not a lot to configure. If you need to, you can change the default values in

python COOLDOWN_TIME_SECONDS = 15 MAX_DOWNVOTES = 3 SITE_NAME = "PartyVoter" SERVER_PORT = 8099 SERVER_BIND = "" VOTE_MODE = 'timed' # modes: 'oncepertrack', 'timed'

When using SERVER_BIND=, the flask server will bind to a public socket, so that your server is available through your LAN.

In my case, I used a reverse proxy and SERVER_BIND=, so that guests do not have to be connected to the WLAN in order to put votes.

COOLDOWN_TIME_SECONDS is only used if VOTE_MODE is timed. Otherwise, votings are allowed only once per track.

Liked songs

So that after the party everyone can enjoy the songs they liked, there is the /liked endpoint of the server. Using the same device it will display the liked songs connected to the unique id in the device cookie.

